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Learn How to Conduct Social Research with The Basics of Social Research Babbie PDF 113

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Earl R. Babbie graduated from Harvard University before enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and began teaching shortly thereafter. Credited with defining research methods for the social sciences, Dr. Babbie has written several texts, including best-selling THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH.

The search for alternative indicators of development has witnessedthe development of a variety of composite indices of development. Theseindices integrate various social, political and economic aspects ofdevelopment in measurement. This paper presents an overview andevaluation of composite indices of development in terms of certain broaddimensions of measurement. In terms of method and technique, compositeindices are generally additive ones with equally weighted componentsconsisting of variables selected in an ad hoc manner. Numerouscriticisms have been leveled at these methods employed in compositeindexing. Composite indices are mainly quantitative insofar as theindices are all presented in numerical format. Composite indices aresubject to subjectivity despite the relative objectivity of the methodsemployed in composite indexing. Composite indices are of a cardinalnature, but remain ordinal insofar as differences in index values cannotbe interpreted meaningfully. The multidimensionality of compositeindices represents one of their main advantages. Indices representaggregate measures of a combination of complex development phenomena.The comparative application of composite indices of development overspace and time remains problematic. Composite indices generally combinemeasures of ends and means. In respect of method and technique,composite indexing is relatively complex. Composite indices arerelatively flexible, because changes in selection, scaling, weightingand aggregation can be effected readily, albeit at the cost ofcomparability. Composite indices perform relatively well in terms ofcross-national availability, but few indices perform well in terms ofinter-temporal availability. On the strength of the systematic positiveassociation between income and popular composite indices such as theHDI, many have claimed that these indices represent no real contributionto the literature on indicators research. Composite indices,furthermore, are often considered to be ideological statements ratherthan practically functional indicators. Yet, composite indices representuseful supplements to income-based development indicators. These indicesremain invaluable in terms of their ability to simplify complexmeasurement constructs, to focus attention and to catch the eye, thusenhancing their political appeal.

the basics of social research babbie pdf 113

Clinical social workers and psychologists are usually trained to provide professional systemic intervention, advocacy, and counseling, and they must receive qualification to do so (Faust, 2008). Because they may encounter military personnel suffering from PTSD during their work, they need a thorough understanding of the condition. Clinical social workers and psychologists must know whether their patients are veterans and whether their symptoms are related to their military experience. Thus, the researcher believes that clinical social workers and psychologists must improve their understanding of PTSD in military service members and become familiar with their specific health demands to interact with them effectively and address their needs.

The questionnaire was sent to six professors in the Social Studies Department at King Saud University for criterion validation to ensure the validity of the assessment tools and content. The academics were picked based on their research interests (two are statisticians, two are criminal sociologists, one is a social-psychologist, and the last is a sociologist of development).

The research took place in Saudi Arabia during September-November of 2021. In addition to purposive sampling, snowball sample recruiting strategies were used to ensure that the population of clinical social workers and psychologists in health-care organizations, practices, and third-party sectors was representative. Through the official researcher email at King Saud University, the questionnaires were also distributed to the heads of clinical social worker and psychological departments at several hospitals around Saudi Arabia. Lastly, no personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, or email addresses was ever requested or saved.

This study identified the level of awareness of PTSD in Saudi Arabian military personnel among clinical social workers and psychologists, as well as the most important sources for PTSD awareness. This research reveals three key findings.

The focus of this research was to find the most essential component in boosting PTSD awareness among clinical social workers and psychologists. The current study also aimed to see whether there is a difference in awareness between those who have finished an abroad qualification and those who have not. Finally, the current research aimed to assess the level of PTSD awareness among clinical social workers and psychologists in the health-care field.

In addition, the study aimed to investigate how education affected participants who have a degree in sociology, social work, psychology, or a related major such as family and marriage consulting. As a result, the researcher discovered that unrelated majors such as computer science, nursing, and pharmacology, which account for 4.2% of the total sample, may have influenced the validity of the comparison with other study factors such as self-development and organizational development, as well as the effect of education on awareness levels.

Moreover, several questions about the psychological and social issues that Saudi military soldiers experienced after being deployed from the Yemen combat zone remain unaddressed. Future research should be able to further evaluate the perceived barriers to obtaining social support among Saudi military members suffering from PTSD, according to the findings.

More research is needed to investigate the roles of education and organizations in improving PTSD awareness by using an interview research approach or a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach to gain knowledge. Because access to participants is restricted, government organizations, private sector partnerships, and local community participation are all needed to assist social research and remove any barriers that may occur during data collection. 2ff7e9595c

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